10 March 2011

Mediterranean and a Giveaway!

Here it is! After a very windy weekend and snow yesterday, I got a good day to take pictures of the house with its exterior completed.

The front door with plants I have made in the past. But dying to make some geraniums!

The chimney, can you see the similar roof of our next door neighbour in the backround?

The veranda, I plan a couple of plants to go over the pergolas.

I want to make changes on the coffee table, just not sure what yet.

I plan to make the cushion for the bench, some decor for the walls.

What do you think?

And to celebrate this completion, there is a surprise giveaway on the 10th of April.
All you have to do is be a follower and leave a comment on this blog entry.
Thank you in advance to all that take the time to visit and drop a few words.

Many hugs


TINK - SONIA said...

The Mediterranean house looks so beautiful Michelle,you have done a great work!!! I would love to participate in this celebrate giveaway, sweets regards.

Patty said...

Michelle, I love this house! It really is turning out so wonderful!! Thanks for the surprise giveaway! I would love to participate!!

Unknown said...

Michelle que preciosa casa, me encanta¡¡¡¡ Esa terraza dan ganas de usarla¡¡¡ Enhorabuena por ese gran trabajo, y encantada de participar en su regalo.

Un abrazo. Carmen

TreeFeathers said...

Oh it's lovely, Michelle! I could spend all day on that veranda. Was this from a kit or did you custom build it?

- Grace

Eva said...

I am Mediterranean, from Barcelona, so I love the style of your house :)
Please count with me in your giveaway!

Ascension said...

Que preciosa te ha quedado, me encanta.
Seguro que esos geranios que vas ha hacer quedaran fantasticos.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y espero tener suerte.
besitos ascension

Dime si quieres que suba el aviso al blog.

Jollie said...

Very very nice work Michelle, the house looks fabulous!! I love it :)

Thank you for this opportunity to join your beautiful give away!
Please count me in?

Warm hugs, Jollie

rosanna said...

Michelle, it's so beautiful. It's so cozy and fresh at the same time, you hav done an excellent job. Have a nice evening and thank you for the giveaway, Rosanna

Lataina said...

My goodness how I love the look of this house! Michelle, it is coming along wonderfully!!! =)

Lara said...

Your Mediterranean House looks stunning!
I would love to be included in your surprise giveaway.
Thanks, Lara

Kikka N said...

Michelle, Hi! Your House is So Beautiful and gorgeous in details! I could imagine a Family living happily in it! :)

Ana Anselmo said...

I love to see your house and "find the diferences" to mine LOL. I didn´t use the hinge, I used some magnets to close the front, the furniture seems to be exactly the same. Did you paint the exterior doors and windows? mines are blue.

cockerina said...

Hello Michelle, this house is beautiful, and you come up very well! I like the color of the shutters, it reminds me a lot of the homes that I saw years ago in Corfu ...
I participate in the giveaway and I hope for a nice prize!
thank you for this opportunity!
kisses, Caterina

Marit said...

Oh, what a lovely house, can I come and stay for a holiday? From what you showed of the inside, that is wonderful too (more pictures please :) )
Another give-away? Maybe I am lucky again? Hope so!


Eva said...

Una casa envidiable, preciosa. También tiene unos tutoriales muy útiles. Me gustaria tener la oportunidad de participar en su sorteo. Un saludo, Eva

BiWuBär said...

I wish I could shrink and move in... that house is gorgeous, even without the details you're planning to add. Thanks those beautiful pictures - and thanks for your giveaway. Please count me in!


Sharon said...

Your house is beautiful Michelle, please enter me in your giveaway.

Trish said...

Omg this house is breath taking Michele! I'm so impressed with all the detail in every nook and cranny. Makes me want to create a veranda on my Loganberry Lane properties

Heather said...

Your house is truly beautiful. You've done a wonderful job! I love all the details.

My Wee Life said...

The house is just beautiful :) You can almost imagine it in place! Please enter me in your giveaway:)

sylvia said...

I love this house,so beautiful!!
And I like to join your give-away


Ingrid said...

Your house is gorgeous, I wish I was there on the terrace in the sun :-))
groetjes Ingrid

Peggy said...

I've just stumbled upon your blog, what great fun reading it. Great work! I'd love to enter your give-away.

Unknown said...

I just adore your great work and art with minis, your mediterranean house it's just so real and beautiful !!!
it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
So continue with the good work!!!
I would love to participate in your giveaway.
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
Have a nice day!!
Beatriz Martin

Poppypatchwork said...

I was directed to your blog, by My Wee Life, can you please add me to your give away

maria said...

Your house is so beautiful! It reminds me of Greek summer...

Please add me for the give away

Anonymous said...

Your house is beautiful!!! I think I'm jealous :-)

miniacollection said...

The exterior of your house is perfect. I love the colours. The roof is incredible like a real one. You did a wonderful job.
Thank you for offering your giveaway, please count me in.

Unknown said...

I live in Norway and still have snow outside. This house made me want to go south :). Please count me in for your giveaway.

Flora said...

I am so happy to see your house... makes me think of summer holidays, a calm sea in the evening, a good book to read in the cool of the veranda ...
In short, a dream :-)
A kiss and thanks for the give away from me too,

Piikko said...

Michelle, your Mediterranean house looks so wonderful! You have done a great work!!! Congratulations!
I would love to participate your giveaway.
Greetings, piikko

by Sonya said...

Your Mediterranean house is really fantastic and well built.Unfortunately in Italy this publication has not gone out.Sin considering that our houses on the sea are really this way.
Please count me in this Give away!

Estefanía said...

Una casa preciosa! la cocina me ha enamorado. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Un beso.

malu2 said...

Que preciosidad,me encanta,me gusta muchisimo,me gustaría participar en tu sorteo.Besos.

b_e_i_s_ said...

I would love to participate!!
Your miniatures are fantastic!!
Thank you!!

Maria Jose said...

Wonderful house ! Please count me in for the giveaway,i put your link in my blog !

Fabiola said...

Your house is fantastic and the giveaway, too.
Bye Fabiola

Arantxa Fariña said...

Lovely House!!! Your house is so beautiful .
I love the colours.

I have too the Mediterranean house but i don't finish yet.

Mini hugs

Flor said...

Bueno Michelle ¡que casa más hermosa!!!Ese estilo es de mis favoritos. Desdé que conozco tu trabajo, me dejas con la boca abierta y me fascina. Y cuando lo tuve en mis manos de verdad que me dejaste sin palabras ...simplemente ¡Maravilloso!!!
Me encantara participar, aunque no creo tener tanta suerte ( ;
Ahora lo pongo en mi blog!!
Un beso

ANGELES said...

No puedo resistirme a tu regalo ¡¡ puedo participar ?? gracias y saludos .Angeles

Narán said...

Preciosa casa. Me gustaria poder participar en tu sorteo y a la vez te invito al que yo hago en mi blog.


Besos, Narán

Helene Dalmar said...

Y yo soy Mediterranean - vivo en sur de Francia :)
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y espero tener suerte.
Un saludo!

Arantza said...

Ya tienes una seguidora más!! Te ha quedado una casa preciosa. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Un saludo, Arantza.

Linda said...

love your house it is beautiful. please count me in for your give away greets linda

GeMa said...

aravillosa la casita!1 me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Un beso y ya tienes una seguidora más.


I would love to participate in your giveaway!
Thank you!!

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

¡Qué preciosidad de casa! Felicidades un trabajo fabulo, me encantaría participar en tu sorteo sorpresa, si te apetece yo tambien he preparado uno, besos

Marian said...

I love surprise. Thanks for your giveaway.
Would I to join your giveaway?

aroa said...

una casa preciosa, un gran trabajo. Gracias por dejarnos participar en el sorteo. Un saludo

beatriz said...

Tienes un blog maravilloso, enhorabuena por tus seguidores, ya cuentas con otra más. Un saludo.

Margriet said...

beautiful house! I love the mediterranean look!!!
Please count me in for the give-away!

Anonymous said...

Que casa mas bonita, muy diferente a todas las que se ven, te ha quedado preciosa, ya tienes una seguidora mas, cuenta conmigo para el sorteo, felicidades, besos.

Drora's minimundo said...

I love your house, especially the porch and your giveaway is very cute. Please count me in.

May said...

que maravilla, me apunto a seguirte y al sorteo!!! besos

Rosella said...

Your mediterranean house is very lovely and your giveaway is very beautiful! I put your link on my blog.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Please count me in : )
greetings an kisses

Kleine Vingers said...

Your house looks great and I would love to be included in your give away.

Kaisa said...

The mediterranean house looks great! It would be lovely to win your giveaway. Keep your fingers crossed!

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Your house is beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Victoria ❤

Marver said...

me encantaria paarticipar en tu sorteo es precioso, muchas gracias

Susi said...

La casa es preciosa, las fotos muy acertadas, al hacerlas al aire libre parece que sea su enclave autentico, fantastico...me apuntas a tu sorteo por favor??? mejor asi sorpresa, mas emocionante, un beso.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.

Brujita said...

¡¡Wooowww..!! Pero que preciosa te está quedando la casita Mediterranea... si hasta pareces oir el ruido de las olas... Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo; subo el aviso a mi blog.

otterine said...

Beautiful house! I want to visit there for vacation! :]

Katrina said...

Your mediterranean house is so beautiful. Like a real house! I would like take part in your giveaway.

NarinaNäpertää said...

Your house is so beautiful! I'd love to take part in your giveaway...

poser said...

Your house is lovely! Please enter me in your giveaway.

ANA ROSA said...

La casa se ve preciosa!!! Parece real!!
Puedes contar conmigo para el sorteo? mil gracias.
Lo anunciare en mi blog.

Valentina P. said...

Beautiful beautiful beautiful!! Please count me in!! i put the link on my blog!!

Rosa Forino said...

Thanks for the chance to win... la tua creazione è fantastica!!! sorry my english incrocio le dita
Hugs, rosa
i am old follower
blog creative: http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/

miniaturista said...

Tu casa Mediterranea es preciosa.
Como ya soy seguidora solo me queda el mensaje y es para darte las gracias por la oportunidad de participar en tu sorteo.
Un abrazo

chedeb5353 said...

I follow on GFC. I LOVE your house, is it a kit or did you make it? I can't find any really nice ones in the USA. I see so many on these blogs. I would love to know where to purchase them. Please enter me in your giveaway, Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com

Maria Ireland said...

your house is very beautiful makes me want to visit Greece again :) i would love to win your giveaway thank you :)

Plushpussycat said...

Hello! Your dollhouse is amazing--love it! I am a follower of your blog and would LOVE to win your giveaway. Thank you!

Hanna said...

Love your dollhouse, its amazing! And please count me in for your give away! Hugs, Hanna

YamYam said...

I would like to move to Your dollhouse.Please do me count in!


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